About Me

I am a second year Computer Science MS Student at UC San Diego. For the past 3 years, I have researched at the Laboratory for Intelligent and Safe Autmobiles advised by Dr. Mohan Trivedi where I have studied applications of deep learning and AI for safe autonomous driving. Starting in June, I started research at SU Lab and am studying ways to enhance pretraining strategies for visual grounding of robotic vision-language models. My primary research interests lie in large language models, object detection and tracking, and multi-modal foundation models, primarily applied for real-time systems such as autonomous driving & robotics.

Besides research, I am also a part time ML Research Intern at CIPRA.ai. Here, I am developing seqeuntial, deep-learning based time-series models to help monitor patient blood pressure and glucose levels.

In my free time, I am an assistant coach for the UC San Diego Men’s Club Basketball Team, collect vinyls, run, and watch football and basketball (Go Lakers and 49ers!). I also mentor high-school students pursuing AI research projects through Polygence.

I am actively looking for ML/AI full-time opportunities starting in Summer 2025! You can find my CV here